Agent Registration
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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What is Your Name?
What is Your Email?
No Longer Required, but Recommended!
What is the Address of this Listing?
Address Line 1
State / Province / Region
Is there an MLS # or PID # we can Reference?
If unknown please leave blank
What is the Seller's Legal Name?
What is the Seller's Email?
If unknown please enter
What is the Seller's Phone Number?
Not Required but Helpful for Showing Instructions
Is There a 2nd Seller?
What is the 2nd Seller's Legal Name?
What is the 2nd Seller's Email?
If unknown please enter
What is the 2nd Seller's Phone Number?
When Should the Contract Start?
Please note you only have TWO BUSINESS DAYS to withhold, make coming soon, or active.
When Should the Contract End?
Do You Also Need A Buyer Contract?
What is the Listing Price - $
Please note most brokerages will not withhold a property without a listing price.
What Is the Listing Commission %?
What is Your Broker Admin Commission?
What Is the Buyer Broker Commission %?
Will There be Facilitator Compensation?
What is the Facilitator Compensation in % or $'s?
What Kind of Seller Disclosures are Required?
Full Disclosures
Alternative Disclosures
Well Disclosure
Septic Disclosure
Lead Based Paint Disclosure (If Before 1978)
If Well or Septic are Selected we will Include a Location Map
What Other Documents Do You Need?
Check all that apply
Agency Relationship
Agency Relationship
Seller Net Sheet
Seller Net Sheet
Showing Instructions
Showing Instructions
Showing Instructions Options
Appt Required with Any
Go and Show
How is the Property Secured?
What is the Combination?
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
What Date Would You Like the Property to Go Live?
This is the date the property will be Active on MLS, not the date it goes Coming Soon. Unfortunately they don't have a spot for that on the form.
MLS Input Form
MLS Input Form
We Will Pre-Fill the MLS Input Form Based on Existing MLS Data. It is up to the Agent to Make Sure All Information is Updated and Accurate.
Broker Specific Forms
Broker Specific Forms
Any forms specific to your brokerage (i.e. Affiliated Business)
Please list all
Anything Else We Should be Aware of?
Any Additional Notes or Terms Should Go Here
PLEASE NOTE: Agent is responsible for filling out MLS Input Form and ensuring Seller Disclosures are filled out.
Upload Relevant Documents
Multiple File Upload Option
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 7 files.
Where Would You Like a Copy of This Form Sent to?
Your Email Address Typically
Terms of Acceptance and Signature
I, the Real Estate Agent for this Listing Preparation Form, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application. I understand and accept all liability with this contract as those preparing it are UNLICENSED. By Clicking this box I acknowledge those who prepare this offer are UNLICENSED and ERRORS AND OMISSIONS are solely my responsibility.
Clear Signature
Please Type First and Last Name
Terms and Conditions
I understand checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Fee Owed.
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