Agent Registration
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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Agent Name
Agent Email
No Longer Required but Recommended
What is the Offer Address? - **Beware Auto Fill, Double Check Address**
Address Line 1
State / Province / Region
Do You Know the MLS # of Offer?
(If Unknown, or Non-MLS please enter what you know)
When is the Offer Needed?
First Come First Serve
By a Specific Date or Time
Please note if we receive multiple ASAP files we get to them first come first serve. Please call if urgent.
Date Needed
Time Needed
What is the Buyer's Legal Name?
What is the Buyer's Email?
If unknown enter
What is the Buyer's Phone Number?
Not Required but Helpful if We're Also Drafting Buyer Docs.
Is There a Second Buyer?
What is the 2nd Buyer's Legal Name?
What is the 2nd Buyer's Email?
What is the 2nd Buyer's Phone Number?
Do You Need Buyer Representation Docs Drafted?
When Should the Contract Start?
When Should the Contract End?
What is your Broker Admin Commission?
Any Other Buyer Rep Terms we Should be Aware of?
Do You Know if They're Offering Cooperating Broker Compensation?
How Much is the Cooperating Compensation?
Are You Asking for Additional Compensation on the Purchase Agreement?
How Much Additional Compensation?
How Much Commission Are You Requesting on the Purchase Agreement?
How Much Earnest Money - $?
What is the Offer Price - $?
What is the Down Payment %?
When Would the Client Like to Close?
The Closing Date is -
On or Before
Seller's Choice or TBD
Will There be a Loan?
Does the Loan Include a Loan Assistance Program Like MHFA?
Which Financing Program?
What is the Loan Type?
Other Loan Type?
Will the Loan be 30 years at Market %?
Please discuss with your lender, we've been made aware Market % is volatile and may not protect the client.
How Many Years at What %?
Will There be a Written Statement?
Written Statement Due Date?
If No Written Statement the EM Will be -
Refunded to Buyer
Forfeited to Seller
If the Written Statement Cannot be Provided in Time EM Will be -
Refunded to Buyer
Forfeited to Seller
If the Lender Requires a Reinspection Who Should Pay For it?
Any Other Financing Terms We Should be Aware Of?
What are the Other Financing Terms?
Please Note Additional Clauses Are Available at the Bottom of the Form.
Will There Be Seller Paid Closing Costs?
Will There be an Inspection Contingency?
How Many Days for the Inspection Contingency?
Any Other Inspection Items We Should be Aware of?
What are the Other Inspection Terms?
Is This Contingent on the Sale of the Buyer's Property?
Yes, with Addendum
Yes, upon successful closing of following address.
What is the Address of Contingent Property?
When Will the Contingent Property Close?
The Contingent Property -
Is Currently Listed
Will Be Listed
Which Brokerage Is Listing This Property?
Property Will Be Listed Within How Many Days?
Buyer Removal of Contingency Business Days?
Standard Array on Taxes? Prorate, Prorate, Seller Shall on Everything Else?
If 'No' Please Let Us Know Which Line Needs to Be Changed.
What is the Deed Type?
Warranty Deed
Personal Representative Deed
Contract for Deed
Trustee’s Deed
Which Other Warranty Type?
Will There be a Well and Septic Contingency?
How Many Days for the Well and Septic Contingency?
Who Will Pay for the Well and/or Septic Tests?
Will There be a Home Warranty?
Home Warranty Obtained by
Home Warranty Paid by
Home Warranty Company
Home Warranty Cost - $
Any Verbiage for the 'Other' Section? - Line 461
What Should be in the 'Other' Section? - Line 461
Are There Any Clauses You'd Like to Include?
Appraisal Clause
Appraisal Guarantee
Escalation Clause
Inspection Guarantee
Other Clause
Select All Applicable
Appraisal Clause
Property must appraise for no less than agreed purchase price, or buyer has the right to cancel or re-negotiate this purchase agreement. If buyer chooses to cancel, buyer shall retain all earnest money and all parties agree to sign a cancellation.
Appraisal Guarantee
Buyer guarantees to cover in cash up to $XXXX over the appraised value should the property not appraise at or above the contract purchase price.
Appraisal Guarantee Amount
Escalation Clause
Buyers agree to pay $XXXX over the highest net purchase price up to a Max Purchase Price of $XXXX. Sellers to provide proof of net highest offer to the buyer with the other buyer's names blacked out.
Escalate by how many $'s?
Maximum Escalation Value?
Inspection Guarantee
Buyer(s) agree to assume up to $XXXX in repair costs resulting from buyer's inspection(s) and resulting contractor estimates. If noted estimates total "at or below" $XXXX, buyer(s) shall move forward with the Purchase Agreement in full force with NO inspection-related repair concessions from the sellers.
Inspection Guarantee Maximum?
Other Clauses?
Any Other Addenda We Should Include?
General Addendum
Assumption Financing
Buyer Move-In Agreement
As Is Addendum
CIC Addendum
Contract for Deed
Lead Based Paint (if prior to 1978)
Property Contingency
Rent Back Agreement
Short Sale Contingency
Well and Septic Contingency
Select all applicable - We will check the MLS for appropriate Addenda - We may need to reach out to you for additional terms.
Did You Want to Include Personal Property in this Sale?
We will put whatever appliances listed on MLS on a personal property form automatically.
Is There Any Personal Property in Addition to What is Listed on MLS?
How Would You Like to Handle Arbitration?
Let Clients Choose
Seller Disclosures Choice will be based on what is found in Supplements (If no seller disclosures in supplements we will not check a box).
Water and Sewer Determined by MLS
Dual Agency Determined by Agent Brokerage
Anything Else We Should be Aware of?
Would you like us to submit the offer to the listing agent once signed?
We don't recommend this because we don't want to interfere with the relationship between you and the listing agent. That said, we're still happy to do it!
Upload Documents
Multiple File Upload Option
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 7 files.
Where Should we Send a Copy of This Form?
Typically Your Email Address.
Terms of Acceptance and Signature
Terms of Acceptance and Signature
I, the Real Estate Agent for this Offer Writing Form, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application. I understand and accept all liability with this contract as those preparing it are UNLICENSED. By Clicking this box I acknowledge those who prepare this offer are UNLICENSED and ERRORS AND OMISSIONS are solely my responsibility.
Clear Signature
Please Type First and Last Name
Terms and Conditions
I understand checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Fee Owed.
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